August 2, 2022

Beautiful things

I’d like to introduce you to beautiful things. Do you know about this? Have you heard of beautiful things?

Beautiful things are not loud. They don’t compete for your attention. So beautiful things often get hidden beneath the loud things. Beautiful things are soft and patient. 

I’d like to remind you of beautiful things. Give you examples in case you’ve forgotten.  Beautiful things are rarely loud – though your favorite person’s laugh may be an exception. 

Beautiful things are the smiles behind a friendly eye.  The river of water as it trickles to the drain pipe. A cultural discipline of washing as respect. And the smell of my dog as his warm body wakes from slumber. 

I’d like to introduce you to beautiful things so you may notice them more often and they may take up space in your life. 

So that you might notice the quiet shimmer of freshly watered lawn beneath the loud rumble of the passing truck. The shift you feel as the new friend you don’t know yet enters a noisy café. Or so that behind the screaming thoughts of your self-doubt you might notice your own beautiful soul. 

I’d like to introduce you to beautiful things. So you may train your eye to feed your own soul.

Surround yourself with beautiful things. Things that have soul. Beautiful things created by human hands together with the divine. 

Beautiful things that come from community, from connectedness. Things that have texture and purity. 

Beautiful things have a story that becomes part of your beautiful story. 

I’d like to introduce you to beautiful things.

Photo by Volha Flaxeco 

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